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Horch Vehicles

Horch Type 1a (Kfz.15/21)

Le Horch 1a était un véhicule destiné au transport de personnel pour la Wehrmacht dont le développement débuta au milieu des années 30. Si le Horch 1a ne fut produit que durant la période 1937-1940, il servit durant toute la durée du conflit. Ce véhicule servait également d'affût mobile au canon antiaérien Flak 38. Fait étonnant, les quatre roues étaient directrices. Les roues (de secours) montées sur ses cotés, permettaient au véhicule de passer à des endroits abrupts sans accrocher le châssis. Toute sortes de conversions de ce véhicule très répandu furent produites, comme des ambulances, une luxueuse voiture de commandement pour haut gradés (Kommandeurwagen Kfz.21), des postes radios mobiles...

Horch 1a was a vehicle intended for the transport of personnel for Wehrmacht whose development began in the medium from the Thirties. If Horch 1a were produced only during the period 1937-1940, it was useful during all the duration of the conflict. This vehicle was also used as mobile mounting for the anti-aircraft gun Flak 38. Astonishing fact, the four wheels gave the steering. The wheels (of help) mounted on sides, made it possible to the vehicle to pass hard places without hanging the chassis. Any kinds of conversions of this very widespread vehicle were produced, like ambulances, a luxurious car of command for high ranked (Kommandeurwagen Kfz.21), of the stations mobile radios...

Kommandeurwagen Horch Type 1a (Kfz.21).
src: Tamiya


Horch Type 1a (Kfz.15) Personnenkraftwagen.
src: Panzer Color 2


Entre 1941 et 1944, un total de 12450 Steyr 1500 A furent produits en Autriche. Auto-Union à Sigmar et Audi à Zwickau en produisent 5600 en Allemagne.

Between 1941 and 1944, a total of 12450 Steyr 1500 A were produced in Austria. Car-union with Sigmar and Audi with Zwickau produce 5600 in Germany of them.


Kfz.15 radio car in North Africa.
src: Panzer Color 2


7.92 mm MG 13/34/42
Penetration of a shielding plate (mm) under a plunging angle of 30°
100 m
500 m
1000 m
1500 m
2000 m
Patr SmK
0.0115 kg
785 m/s


Kfz.17 in North Africa.
Erwin Rommel in a Kfz.15 in North Africa.
src: Panzer Color 2
src: Panzer Color 2


Kfz.15 Personnel Carrier.
Kfz.15 command car of the 1st Panzerdivision.
src: Panzer Color 2
src: Panzer Color 2


Data Horch 4x4 (Kfz.15)
Weight: 2485 kg - Crew: 2-8 - Length: 5.08 m - Width: 2.03 m - Height: 2.32 m
Engine: Steyr 3517 cc, 8 cyl., 85 hp - Fuel: Gasoline (100L)
Speed: 90 km/h (on road) - ? km/h (off road) - Range: 400 km (on road), 170 km (off road)

Type: depends on the version - Ammo: depends on the version



Kfz.15 of the 6th Panzerdivision.
Horch Kfz.17 during the campaign of Don/Stalingrad in 1942.
src: Panzer Color 2
src: Panzer Color 2


Un Horch Kfz.17 embourbé en Afrique du Nord.
Horch Kfz.17 captured by the mud in North Africa.
src: Panzer Color 2




Kfz.15 1/35Horch Kfz.15 135


Horch 830B

Le Horch 830 B qui à l'origine était un véhicule civile, fut en 1937 converti pour un usage militaire. Ce véhicule fut produit entre 1935 et 1938.

Horch 830 B was originally made for civilian use but in 1937, it was converted for use by the armed forces. Vehicle was produced from 1935 to 1938.


Horch 830B
src: Panzer Color 2


Data Horch 830B
Weight: 1820+380 kg - Crew: 4 - Length: 4.80 m - Width: 1.80 m - Height: 1.85 m
Engine: Horch 3517 cc , 8 cyl., 82 hp - Fuel: Gasoline (65L)
Speed: 110 km/h (on road) - ? km/h (off road) - Range: 350 km (on road), 170 km (off road)

Type: none - Ammo: none




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